We thank the Senate’s Standing Committees on Finance and Public Administration for this opportunity to contribute to the inquiry into the current capability of the Australian Public Service (APS). We recommend that the APS improve its public engagement capacity by (a) adopting and (b) measuring adherence to OECD-standard deliberative engagement practice. These deliberative processes build...Continue reading
OECD: Innovative Citizen Participation and New Democratic Institutions
You can read the full report here and highlights here. The OECD has collected evidence and data that support the idea that citizen participation in public decision making can deliver better policies, strengthen democracy, and build trust. This report focuses on representative deliberative processes in particular, as part of a wider effort by democratic institutions...Continue reading
Submission to the Consultation on highly contentious bills for the NSW Parliament
This inquiry being held by the NSW Upper House’s Procedures Committee has two terms of reference: one on the usage of Green and White Papers as cornerstones of government policy development, and the second on the applicability for using deliberative processes to assist the parliament when bills are highly contentious. Those interested in this work...Continue reading
Submission to the Senate Inquiry into Nationhood, National Identity and Democracy
Submission to the Senate Inquiry into Nationhood, National Identity and Democracy If you only read (and perhaps share) one government discussion paper this year, then make it this one. In a concise 8pg document the Federal Senate has outlined global threats to democracy across the world and its scope to affect Australia. This is exactly...Continue reading
Submission to the Inquiry into the Administration of the 2019 NSW State Election
After each election (state and federal) a joint committee holds an inquiry into its conduct as an opportunity for any concerns to be aired, and we take this opportunity inject opportunities for democratic innovation. This paper advocates five concepts – That everyday people should be a central part of the election review due to the...Continue reading
Submission to the Inquiry into the conduct of the 2018 Victorian State Election
We thank the Electoral Matters Committee for the invitation to make a submission. Around the world, confidence in representative democracy is under siege. Citizens are moving beyond cynicism to disengagement, and the potential for further decline is clear. Viewed more positively, it is clear that a jurisdiction that successfully finds a way to counter this...Continue reading
Auspiced Independent Project: Public Interest Journalism Initiative (PIJI)
Over the last ten years, we have been approached many times with requests to get involved in a project relating to the media environment – a request we have always refused. Why? We think there are two ways to define and discuss democracy. One is to take a broad view where we think of democracy...Continue reading
Reforming Our Democracy: Options for Renewing Democracy in Australia
This paper provides a list of reform options to improve Australia’s democracy. We put these proposals to Australia’s political parties ahead of the 2019 election because we believe that democracy matters. Australia’s democracy has been critical to our nation’s success, but it is frayed and public confidence in our system of governance is in worrying...Continue reading
Ostbelgien Model (Belgium)
The German-speaking community of Belgium has become the first region to institute a permanent role for randomly-selected everyday citizens as part of how they do democracy. Led by the local G1000 organisation, newDemocracy was invited to be part of a design advisory group including twelve international members who have designed and operated large scale and...Continue reading
The Madrid Observatorio de la Ciudad
Across Europe, there is an absence of everyday people contributing substantively to the decisions that shape the cities they live in, both now and into the future. Democracies are struggling to include everyday people in making trusted public decisions. The City of Madrid has embarked on a path of major democratic innovation to solve this...Continue reading