Ostbelgien Model (Belgium)

The German-speaking community of Belgium has become the first region to institute a permanent role for randomly-selected everyday citizens as part of how they do democracy. Led by the local G1000 organisation, newDemocracy was invited to be part of a design advisory group including twelve international members who have designed and operated large scale and...Continue reading

The Madrid Observatorio de la Ciudad

Across Europe, there is an absence of everyday people contributing substantively to the decisions that shape the cities they live in, both now and into the future. Democracies are struggling to include everyday people in making trusted public decisions. The City of Madrid has embarked on a path of major democratic innovation to solve this...Continue reading

Victorian Government Gender Equality Bill Citizens’ Jury

There are few, if any, “right” decisions for a government; instead, the ideal decision is simply one which reflects a position of informed support from a wide cross-section of the community. Making difficult decisions with the support of the community is politically tough. It requires a government to make themselves electorally vulnerable in order to...Continue reading

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