Lyn Carson. From audience democracy to wisdom-for-the-whole

Closing remarks to Strasbourg’s World Forum for Democracy 2016, by “an interloper from Down Under.” On this day of all days (the election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States), it’s good to note that this is a World Forum for Democracy, not a forum for representative government, that unfortunate system that...Continue reading

The Guardian. The People Trying to Save Democracy from Itself

by Patric Chalmers, The Guardian, Saturday 2 July 2016 These are difficult days for democracy. European nations struggle to elect governments on low turnouts. Populists wielding half-truths go from strength to strength. Facts are a devalued currency, personalities never more important. People use ballot boxes to bloody the noses of the political elite. Young people...

There are better ways to decide the big issues than referendums

INSIGHT 6 June 2016 They seem democratic but referendums are flawed. If we want people involved in the political process, there are smarter ways to go about it, says Niall Firth Referendums are “a splendid weapon for demagogues and dictators”, argued Margaret Thatcher in a debate over Britain’s place in the EU in 1975. Was that...Continue reading

Citizen juries & new democracy: Farrelly, Doyle, Walker, Belgiorno-Nettis, Brokman

By Sandra Edmunds, The Fifth Estate | 9 June 2016 Special Report: With development rampant across major Australian cities, many residents feel like they’ve lost a say in what happens to their communities. Public consultation seems token, and deals appear to be stitched up before concerned citizens can put in their two cents. Communities are...

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