“Do you realise there is no arts teaching at the UTS, and yet they sponsor an art gallery?” asks Luca Belgiorno-Nettis – architect, businessman, patron of the arts, philanthropist and passionate political idealist. “I think that’s brilliant,” he continues. “The university sees the worth of having art on the campus for its own sake.” Yes,...Continue reading
Citizen power: citizen juries advise on energy policy. (ABC Radio National, Life Matters)
When the NSW Government decided it wanted to hear what people really thought about energy policy they turned to the New Democracy Foundation, a privately funded research venture. They established two citizen juries to meet over a period of four Saturdays to consider issues like what might be the right energy mix, and how to...Continue reading
Panels Give NSW Panels a Say on Energy – Australian Financial Review
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Community Rich in Talent – Daily Telegraph
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IQ2 Debate: Democracy is Failing the Planet
Published 13 February 2012 | St. James Ethics Centre – IQ2 Oz Why should we assume that democracy is the best of all political systems? Hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets in the Middle East demanding freedom and democracy. And countless numbers have been prepared to die in exercising these demands....
Democracy: Plan B (PM ABC Radio)
MARK COLVIN: They call it Democracy Plan B – and they’re launching it at an event in Sydney tonight. They’re a group called the newDemocracy Foundation, which has been working for some years to break down some of the worst aspects of Australian political life and build something more constructive. It’s backed by former State...Continue reading
Deliberative democracy. Professor Lyn Carson on “Ockham’s Razor” (ABC Radio)
Professor Lyn Carson from the Centre for Citizenship and Public Policy at the University of Western Sydney talks about using deliberative democracy to solve the world’s ‘wicked problems’. Transcript Robyn Williams: Australian politics now resembles a football match out of control. One huge punch-up, with the referee powerless (very nearly off the field) and the...Continue reading
John Dryzek on The Australian Citizens’ Parliament. ABC Big Ideas.
In February 2009, a group of 150 randomly-selected Australian citizens were brought together at Old Parliament House in Canberra. Called “The Citizens Parliament”, the group spent four days discussing politics, policy, and systems of parliament. While the specific subjects under consideration were not prescribed, the attendees were asked to address the broad question: “How Can...
Having your say in the Citizen’s Parliament (ABC Central West NSW)
By Angela Owens Do you feel like your voice isn’t really heard by the decision makers? Is casting your vote at the ballot box enough for you, or would you prefer something a little more hands-on? The 2020 Summit held in April this year showed that many Australians have big ideas about shaping our future....Continue reading