This initiative is transforming schools approach to civic education by facilitating student experimentation with innovative ways to structure student government. Elections, full-year terms, and hierarchy have been replaced with random selection, rotation, and horizontal teams, making student government more inclusive, representative, and engaging. Through experimentation, students also begin to think critically and creatively about fundamentally...Continue reading
Reclaim November Ohio
A democratic reform group, Jefferson Action, used a citizens jury to interrogate the policy platforms of the Democratic and Republican candidates for Congress. Interestingly, this was supported and made possible through the active participation of both candidates. The citizens detailed and informed views of the candidates built over tens of hours (rather than the more...Continue reading
Penn State Democracy Institute
Each year, starting in 2014, the Penn State Democracy Institute gives a medal and $5,000 award for exceptional innovations that advance the design and practice of democracy. The medal celebrates and helps to publicize the best work being done to advance democracy in the United States or around the globe. The Institute gives medals in...
The Ground Zero Project: rebuilding Lower Manhattan (New York, United States)
Initial proposals for rebuilding the World Trade Center site had met with low levels of public approval, leading to the creation of a process with deep involvement spanning a range of people in the community. Given the multiple, valid competing claims for a say in the future use of the site, it was clear that...Continue reading
Recife Participatory Budgeting (Recife, Brazil)
A project led by the Mayor of Recife has resulted in nearly 20% of the adult population being involved in some form in the 2009 budget process. In a 10 year period, over $300m in public expenditure has been redirected as a result. Open access forums on a range of government service areas discuss the...
Oregon Citizen Initiative Review: Enhancing Voter Information (United States)
Organised by Healthy Democracy Oregon, the Citizen Initiative Review is designed to allow the citizens of Oregon to evaluate statewide ballot measures. It follows a weight of worldwide research pointing to direct democratic methods (such as referendums in Australia) frequently being poorly understood by voters.
America Speaks: Our Budget, Our Economy
In June 2010, 3,500 Americans gathered together at 57 sites across the country to deliberate about their fiscal future. Participants worked in small groups with skilled facilitators to explore complex issues. The sites were linked together electronically so the sharing of information was national. A key aim was to have a civilised conversation in a...
Center for Disease Control: National Chemical Management Policy
This relatively technical topic was an open dialogue open to anyone who had an interest in chemical exposures and public health. It was designed to be broadbased and generate new ideas from the community.
Developing a Framework for a Mental Health Strategy for Canada
From June 2008 through September 2009, the Mental Health Commission of Canada worked to develop its strategy through collaboration with governmental, institutional and community partners, and individual Canadians. This mandate was given to the Commission upon its creation in 2007 by the federal government, in collaboration with provincial and territorial governments.
Portsmouth Listens (US)
Prevention of violence through to improvements to the town centre are being addressed by citizens with the city acting on the results. The video also shows how this engagement model brings out local knowledge and is a strong example of a regional tier of government committing to the long term use of a deliberative model.Continue reading